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Let's Get a Little Uncomfortable This Year

Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone can be one of the most uncomfortable things you can do. It’s like jumping into the ocean without knowing how deep it is and hoping that you can make it back up for air. That’s why I made it my resolution for 2017. Here are a few tips to ease out of your comfort zone and make your life more meaningful this year.

Ask yourself what you want to do or need to change

Sometimes, having a certain rhythm to our days can make us forget that there is so much more out there in the world for us to explore. You just have to ask yourself, “Am I really happy or am I just comfortable?” Having the same friends for years, being in a long-term relationship, and having a pretty consistent schedule all have made me feel safe and comfortable for a long time now. Don’t get me wrong, all of these things are extreme blessings, and I am so overly grateful for them. However, I’ve come to the realization that I am not complete yet. I don’t feel whole. There is so much that this life has to offer me and more gifts that I have yet to share than I can even comprehend. I just haven’t found them yet.

Join a new club or apply for new positions in one you are already in

Joining new groups can help you meet amazing people and develop new leadership and communication skills. You can also work to expand your knowledge, interests and résumé. So far in 2017, I have found myself slowly but surely pushing into new grounds and out of my comfort bubble. I took on two new positions within an organization at my school and joined a new movie club on campus.

Start a new exercise program

Challenge your body and mind with a new exercise regime. Try running the lakes or taking an instructed class instead of running on the treadmill at the gym. I enrolled at a new yoga studio that I was too nervous to step foot in before, which has led me to learn more about my body and has improved my accountability and self-esteem.

Cross something off of your bucket list

It’s early enough in the year to plan and budget for something crazy that you have always wanted to do. Grab a friend to go skydiving and get that adrenaline rush. Form a group to do a girl’s trip to Napa and indulge in the finest wine. Start writing that book you’ve been telling yourself you would. Treat yourself this year to crossing one (or many) things off of your bucket list because life is too short to wait around.

Face your fears

One of the hardest parts about stepping out of your comfort zone is facing your fears. Maybe your fear is as simple as public speaking or as complex as dealing with rejection. Set a personal goal to get over your fears and improve yourself throughout the year.

Trying something completely new may seem like the most intimidating thing in the entire world at first, but taking a leap of faith into a new territory could surprise you with how much you can flourish. Make 2017 the year of progress and personal growth. Try to make small, but meaningful, changes to your current lifestyle. Set personal goals and don’t be afraid of failure. Face your fears and take a risk. There are so many more experiences and opportunities to discover. It just takes a push and a little self-motivation to kick the pattern and realize what is in store for us beyond our comfort zone and familiarity. The only thing holding you back is you and once you get out of your comfort zone, you’ll realize how much fun it is to truly explore all that is out there.

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